I report 10 days Sesshin at Japanese Zen temple.With International life,
I finish 10days Sesshin Japanese Zen temple, from Dec 1st to 10th.
I sat 2:30 AM to 9:30 PM
But I did sit my own pace.
I think Buddhism is not such like hard way.
We sat 70-90 min at one period.
I had experience to sit 5day and 7day.
When I sat such days at Antaiji,I always countdown to finish.
But in this time I did not count.Because Life is endless.
Sesshin is not special time.
I just sat with my own,and Dharma friends,nature,planet.
I think this is what enlightment of Buddha.
Now I am always living with Buddha.
I try to keep forest,try to make rice and vegitables
And I try to keep calm my own,and try to help you and all human being.
My past time was very hard with violence from lots of things.
But I am here.
And I want to say again.
I am here.
I am here.Right now.
I am always with you.
Keep on practicing together.
Past time I did not know subjective and objective.
We were all one.No subjetive and objective.
We were all same roots.
We were all same beings,and were at same happyness and pain.