I suffered violence from my parents.
My parents also suffered violence from their parents.
Difficult to stop violence.
Childhood I suffered lots of dangerous situation.
But I did effort by myself to keep family.
In boyhood I can’t see my face.
I tried to lots of solution by myself.Playing soccer,playing alpen skiing.
Especially alpen skiing at Austria changed my mind.
After graduated University I worked as elite.
But I realized that I was a kind of toy of parents.
Fact my father suddenly run away from my house .But lots of loan by father and ,also father had another family.My mother lose mind and had knife and said to me terrible word.
This is a part of my violence from my parents.
But one sun shine has come.
Zazen, especially Shikantaza teach me,we can live moment by moment.And I met lots of friends who suffered violence.
I have my son.And I pray for safe of him.
Again I pray for safe of him.
To be continue.